Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Advertising With Us

Not even two weeks have past; a week and a half to be exact and I've received nearly 500 hits on my site with about 8 minutes of time spent on the site. Not too bad for a site that hasn't been live for a month. That is going to add up to 1000 hits each month. At this rate, it may even be more than that. Late nights and lots of research surely pays off. Hard work and dedication are key. There is no such thing as getting rich quick without some kind of work. Of course there are a few exceptions to this-- being a trust fund baby (nothing wrong with that), or selling Meth like Walter White from "Breaking Bad" (everything wrong with that), then that's a different story.

I've stayed up late doing research like a mad man finding out how to properly promote my website. There is so much information the web about advertising for free. Then there are some sites that start you off free with just a few impressions here or there. Not here. It wont be free nor will it be for a week or two. There is a price for the advertising. If your product or service is good enough, starting off free is fine. It's a start. But, eventually you will have to pay for exposure. And the more exposure this site receives, the greater your chance to have your product or service being seen.

As you can see to the right there is a Paypal drop down which I will include at the bottom of this post. You have three options. No option shall include anything pornographic. I reserve the right to either confirm or deny any advertisement. At the the very bottom of the site you can contact me. Or, you can contact me through the comment section.

Stay tuned as I will be posting ideas I have come across to begin a home business; especially for moms who get to stay at home with their children.

Happy blogging!


Purhase Monthly Advertising

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